Thursday, January 29, 2009

The British Want Their Guns Back - Don't Let This Happen to U.S.

Through complacency and a desire for security the British allowed their government to confiscate their guns. Now they want them back! The politicians in the United States know they have an uphill battle if they want to take our guns outright (kuz ev'ry one know us Americans luvs our guns) so we will lose our freedom in baby steps. No they won't come beat down our door and snatch up your guns (yet), but in small almost unnoticeable (and unreported by the media) ways we are losing our Constitutional RIGHT to bear arms.

These little restrictions come along with almost no fuss because we are complacent and it's almost always in the name of security or safety.
Register yourself and you weapon so the government knows you are a safe and responsible law abiding citizen (and so they know who has the guns when it's time to collect).
Lock your guns up in a safe so your kids can't get to them (neither can you) and require gun locks so even if you can get to your gun by the time you load it you're dead. Hasn't anyone ever heard of educating your children. Yes there's accidents but people fall off ladders and no one wants those locked away. And, Yes gun owners must behave responsibly and take measures to keep guns out of the wrong hands, but the government should not be telling us what to do in our own homes, period. How would such a law be enforced? Would law enforcement have the right to inspect your home for 'legal gun storage'? Can you see where this is going?

There will not be a sudden outright ban of all guns, Americans wouldn't settle for that. No first the will place more and more limits on who can own guns, what guns you can have (umm Brady Bill anyone), how much ammunition you may keep, how you store you firearms, require you to have a license. They will make it increasingly difficult to own a gun thereby decreasing the number of LEGAL gun owners until there are to few to stand up and fight (figuratively speaking of course). Don't wait until it's too late. Take notice of the laws YOUR elected officials are trying to pass and don't buy into the "it's for your safety" bull crap. Be knowledgeable and be ACTIVE in protecting your freedom. Without the right to bear arms their will be no freedom of religion, no freedom of speech, no right to assembly or any other freedoms that we as Americans enjoy. It's not so much what your government is that you need to protect yourself from but what your children's government could become. Watch the video above, and see where we could be in a few years if we allow it.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Free Temporary Disposable Email Address

Have you ever had to "Sign Up" or "Create an Account" in order to use some online service, access a website, or view a video, only to later find your email inbox full of junk from a site that you only planned to use once? Now you can get a free temporary disposable email address and use it to sign up. Don't use your personal email to sign up for some "free membership" that you will never use again. Check out to get a free temporary disposable email address. After you've gotten your disposable email address, go back to the website that requires you to "Sign Up" and use your new temporary email address. If the website sends you a confirmation email it can be retrieved from allowing you to complete the process. The email address will only exist for 15 minutes and then it's gone forever along with any unwanted emails from the offending site. The sweet thing about is that you don't have to go through the long sign up process that the other free providers require, and you never have to divulge your private information!
If for some reason you need a throwaway email account that lasts longer than 15 minutes such as the examples of my previous post: Hide Your Identity With a Pseudonym and Free Email Accounts use one of the free email providers such as Yahoo and Hotmail to set up throwaway email accounts.
No more Spam! -

Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Government Wants to Track Your Car With GPS

Several states are looking into fitting GPS transponders in new cars to track where you drive. Their reasoning for this is so the government can tax the miles you drive instead of relying on the diminishing revenue they are getting from the gas tax since people have begun to drive more fuel efficient cars. While at first blush taxing the miles you drive instead of how much fuel you burn seems to make since. If you drive more miles then the other guy then you are causing more wear and tear on the road regardless of how fuel efficient your car is. The problem is how to track the miles you drive. Apparently not content to rely on the honor system and allow motorists to report their mileage when they renew their car registration (or check the frickin' odometer) certain politicians want to hook a GPS up to your car and track your mileage.

I'm not even going to get into whether we should be taxed for gas or for miles driven (check out for more), there is a much bigger problem with this scheme. The government will be able to track you everywhere you go. Of course government lackeys say that the GPS unit won't track you in detail and that law enforcement will not have access to the information, see the article in the Washington Post. The government supposedly doesn't have easy access to your private communications either right? Ever heard of a subpoena? Even if you don't believe that the boys in suits and dark glasses are surreptitiously logging every little thing you do, even a third grader knows that all law enforcement needs is an "anonymous tip" to get a subpoena and your private information in their greasy little hands.

The Oregon Department of Transportation employee in charge of that states project, James Whitty, dismissed privacy concerns by comparing it with the tracking capabilities of cell phones, stating that it hasn't deterred people from purchasing new cell phones. HELLO! You can turn off the locating system of your cell phone or just turn the phone off. If you really didn't want to be tracked you could leave the phone on and stuff it under the seat of a train heading to B.F.E. You wont have that option if the government requires you, by law, to allow your travels to be tracked. Disabling the GPS unit for any reason would likely be seen as an attempt to cheat "the man" out of his taxes and be punishable by law.

We have already given away too much of our privacy and freedom in the name of safety. Let's not do the same for the sake of smoother roads. Contact the lawmakers in your state and let them know that you DO NOT APPROVE of being tracked by the government, for any reason. There has got to be a better way to fix our infrastructure without stomping all over your civil rights.
See also:
5280 Denver's Magazine
Washington Post

The Day We Fight Back