Every time you search a telephone number online you get pitched an ad to run a background check on the person you are searching for. Prices for these services can range anywhere from $4.95 to $49.95. What everyone doesn’t know is that you can get a background check on yourself…FOR FREE. Due to the F.A.C.T Act (Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act), the same federal law that requires the 3 major credit reporting agencies to provide a free credit report each year also covers other specialty consumer reporting agencies such as ChoicePoint. Not every type of report is subject to the F.A.C.T Act but many are, so if a company provides background/public records searches for hire then they likely have to provide you with the information that they compile about you.
Unlike a credit report, a specialty consumer report may contain a lot of additional information about you including; employment history, public records, check writing history, tenant history, and any insurance claims you’ve made. Another scary fact that many of us are not aware of is that there are databases that report your prescription drug purchases and medical history such as MedPoint, The MIB (Medical Information Bureau not Men in Black) and Intelliscript. The one reassuring point is that these reports are not easily accessible to private individuals other than the individual that the report pertains to. Many of these reports may only legally be supplied (purchased by) businesses and entities with a genuine business reason to obtain them and you must give those businesses permission to obtain the reports.
Just like a credit report these specialty consumer reports may contain errors, especially if you may have been the victim of identity theft. While there are many specialty consumer reporting agencies and listing them all here would be prohibitive I would suggest that you track down the ones you can find, at least the ones listed here and in Fact Sheet 6(b) from Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, and request your copy. Not all reporting agencies get their information from the same source so there may be differences from one report to the next. One final warning before I close: There are a LOT of scammers out there claiming to provide free credit reports or credit monitoring, so check that company out before you supply them with any of your information and NEVER pay for a free credit report. Remember the only official website (required by law) to request your free annual credit report is www.annualcreditreport.com. Specialty consumer reporting agencies are not required to maintain a website to request you file but they should have a toll free number and many do have websites with their contact information. Please see the links below for more information especially the ones for The FTC and Privacy Rights Clearinghouse.
ChoicePoint http://www.choicepoint.com/index.html
MedPoint http://www.ingenix.com/ContactUs/
MIB http://www.mib.com/html/request_your_record.html
Intelliscript http://www.rxhistories.com/how_it_works.html
Free Credit Report http://www.annualcreditreport.com
The FTC on Your Rights http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/menus/consumer/credit/rights.shtm
In Depth Fact Sheet from Privacy Rights Clearinghouse http://www.privacyrights.org/fs/fs6b-SpecReports.htm